Coffee, food, bubbles and booze are best when enjoyed outside on a garden patio under twinkling lights… in my opinion anyways. As you’re walking down 32nd street in the Highlands neighborhood of Denver, Colorado make sure to stop at the cute AF Highlands Cork & Café for a cup of coffee and conversation on their outside patio.
I eyed this place every time I drove by and finally made myself stop and I’m mad I waited so long. I am all about a cool ambience, character and old houses and this coffee shop hits the mark on all three. I mean, is there anything cuter than a neighborhood coffee shop being in an old house? I think not.
Sip your latte, stay a while, enjoy watching the people walk by… and once you realize its lunch time, stay a while longer and order a handcrafted panini. And if you are really feeling wild, order from their menu of cocktails. While they might not serve dinner, they have the hours of coffee time to cocktail time covered. And PS, word on the street is a new menu of cocktails is coming soon. Coffee, panini or cocktail in hand, I hope to see you sippin’ on the patio soon!

Looking for more Mile High City recommendations? Shoot me an email or check out my website for a local guide to Denver, Colorado.
katie.bates@compass.com // www.sellingcolorfulcolorado.com
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